Dr Mark Liu is a fashion and textile designer that brings science to fashion. He is best known for his label that pioneered “Zero-waste fashion” in London Fashion Week. The label emerged from his master’s research at Central Saint Martin’s College and work at Alexander McQueen. His collections have been exhibited in museums around the world. Returning to research, his PhD used 3D mathematics to explain why clothing does not fit and invented the field of “Non-Euclidean fashion patternmaking”. This allowed scientists and engineers to understand patternmaking, advancing the fields of 3D patternmaking algorithms, 3D printing, space suits and medical garments. A former Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Technology Sydney, his research collaborated with different disciplines, including exploring gender just laws in the fast fashion industry, synthetic biology and algae-based carbon sequestering materials. He recently wrote a book about the misleading advertising of sustainable fashion “greenwash”.